Tsuruga Electric Corporation

Contact Tsuruga Electric

Tsuruga Electric Corporation has partnered with TEXMAC Inc. to serve high-quality and cost-performance products. Furthermore, Tsuruga has more than 70 years of manufacturing history in electric measuring devices.

For one thing, we have a wide range of high-quality electronic measuring equipment and system devices that meet customers’ requirements in various fields.

Our measuring instruments include voltage and insulation tester, Ohn Meters, and Calibrators. Including, temperature measuring control units, digital indicators, process controllers, recorders, signal conditioners, power transducers, analog, and digital meters. Similarly, various devices and instruments support our customer’s needs.

Therefore, Tsuruga Electric Corporation’s vision for the next generation of instruments will focus to be the top manufacturer of unique measurement solution fields of measuring instruments, analog instruments, digital meters, and environmental measuring instruments according to our customer’s requirements. Notably, our company is certified by ISO9001 and ISO14001.

Tsuruga Electric Corporation is proud to have opportunities to serve high-quality and cost-performance
products. To thousands of esteemed customers in Japan. Including our overseas customers for more than 70 years of manufacturing. In particular, in electric measuring device fields. Therefore, our technology is the solution for customers’ needs. Especially for today and into the next generation of equipment development.

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